Outreach through well written tutorials, presentation etc.I saw you keep up with people on DeviantArt but dont use DA, which was kind of you to post it somewhere else too. Hey MIGF1, thank you for making amazing themes. Help test and triage bugs in the bugtracker Clearlooks Gimp 2.10 Color Hinted Themes Updated Gimp Themes.Alexander Prokoudine - /u/prokoudine ( LibreArts Founder) ( patreon) Ways to Assist GIMP.
This is the download file you will need in order to follow along with thi.
YouTube Channel spamming will not be tolerated. How to apply the Dark Theme to Inkscape on Windows, and back to the original theme.To test if everything is set up correctly, edit common.scss on line 15 and set theme to be 'compact' (smaller buttons, etc.) - you should notice difference right away.CSS help provided by /u/Cheesydude All about the GNU Image Manipulation Program.Close Inkscape modify SCSS files in %YourThemeProjectFolder% folder recompile it using sass command from Command Prompt (press up arrow on keyboard) open Inkscape to see changes.Run Inkscape and select %YourThemeName% in Preferences.Compile SCSS files of Adwaita using Command Prompt command (use right-click on folder > Copy as path to get paths): sass "%UserProfile\Documents\%YourThemeProjectFolder%\gtk.scss" "%ProgramFiles%\Inkscape\share\themes\%YourThemeName%\GTK-3.0\gtk.css".Copy assets folder from your working Adwaita folder to C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\themes\%YourThemeName%\GTK-3.0\assets (or %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Themes\%YourThemeName%\GTK-3.0\assets).Create destination theme folders for your theme so Inkscape would recognize it at C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\themes\%YourThemeName%\GTK-3.0\*.* or at %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Themes\%YourThemeName%\GTK-3.0\*.*.This makes sure you will be able to use sass command in Command Prompt with no extra steps
Right-click your Computer in Windows Explorer sidebar > click Properties > click Advanced system settings (on the left) > click Environment Variables > Select Path variable > click Edit > click New > type in C:\Program Files\Dart Sass > click OK in every dialog.
Unzip downloaded archive to C:\Program Files\Dart Sass (make sure file sass.bat and folder src go directly in Dart Sass folder with no sub-folders). Download command-line Dart Sass compiler for SCSS files from GitHub (some releases come without Windows-compatible executables, find and download one with -windows-ia32.zip or -windows-圆4.zip in file name). You may delete all files in your working Adwaita folder except: - assets folder - colors.scss - colors-public.scss - common.scss - drawing.scss - gtk.scss - gtk-dark.scss. from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on and selecting Add Tab Templates. You can access it: from the image menu: Windows Dockable Dialogs Templates. Inside your working folder rename _colors.scss, _colors-public.scss, _common.scss, _drawing.scss to colors.scss, colors-public.scss, common.scss, drawing.scss and rename gtk-contained.scss to gtk.scss, gtk-contained-dark.scss to gtk-dark.scss The Templates dialog is a dockable dialog see the section Section 2.3, Dialogs and Docking for help on manipulating it. Adwaita is the default and the most complete GTK 3 theme to date and it's quite common to modify it to get different appearance for OS or application %UserProfile%\Documents\%YourThemeProjectFolder%. Adwaita folder contains sources for compiling Adwaita theme used by Inkscape, copy this folder to your working folder, i.e.
Unzip downloaded archive and navigate to %Unzip_Destination_Folder%\gtk-3.24.14\gtk-3.24.14\gtk\theme\Adwaita Hey MIGF1, thank you for making amazing themes. Go to GitHub and download corresponding release of GTK, i.e. View C:\Program Files\Inkscape\lib\gtk-3.0\immodules.cache using your web browser. Note: Inkscape installation directory is meant to be C:\Program Files\Inkscape (bin, share and other folders go to this folder) This may work similarly for Linux and macOS Recommended Gimp icon-themes: for Dark themes. This will now be the Inkscape default template on startup. Grab the file titled new-default.svg and paste it into the Templates folder, then change its name to default.svg. Among other things, you can define your own hint-color by editing the gtkrc files. Change the name of default.svg to old-default.svg, then download the new default startup file here: inkscape-startup-files.zip. Moreover, each variant comes in 5 color-hint versions (Blue, Orange, Pink, Red and Teal). Quick write-up for Windows users who may want to develop or tweak Inkscape themes using GTK and Sass. There are Dark and Light themes in the collection, in regular and small variants.